NREL’s Commercial Electric Vehicle Cost-of-Ownership Tool Is Best in Class—And Free

Researchers from NREL have released a new version of the Transportation Technology Total Cost of Ownership tool, known as T3CO—the most sophisticated open-source commercial vehicle TCO tool available today.

Unfortunately, the math behind a transition to ZEVs gets complicated quickly. Unlike diesel vehicles, which have long provided a “one size fits most” solution for commercial fleets, ZEVs are much less standardized. Their total cost of ownership (TCO) can change based on a wide array of variables, from the size of their battery to the price of electricity and the time it takes to recharge their batteries. Fleets and manufacturers can be left wondering which vehicle is the right fit for their operations—and how much it really costs.

Now, researchers from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) have released a new version of the Transportation Technology Total Cost of Ownership tool, known as T3CO—the most sophisticated open-source commercial vehicle TCO tool available today.

T3CO enables fast analyses that can provide comprehensive insights into the life-cycle costs of decarbonized vehicles, from upfront investments and operating costs to the opportunity costs that can be presented by zero-emissions commercial vehicles. As fleets worldwide accelerate their transitions to electric vehicles, T3CO is ready to guide cost-effective purchasing decisions.

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