In the age of smart manufacturing and the Industrial Internet of Things (IIOT), digital request and delivery processes are essential to close the gap between objects in the real world, or products, and the required information that users and other target audiences need to be able to use easily, safely and efficiently. IEC PAS 63485 provides some of the answers about information for use that covers the phases of product-related information flows in B2C (business to consumer) and especially B2B (business to business) environments, e.g. for technicians who assemble, install, operate, maintain, repair or dismantle technical equipment.
It is based on another standard which comes from industry, the intelligent information Request and Delivery Standard (iiRDS), and also refers to IEC/IEEE 82079, which is a horizontal standard in accordance with IEC Guide 108. IEC/IEEE 82079 contains basic information for technical documentation that is valid across the board and applies to any product.
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