The most important part of the technology puzzle: People

Diogo Rau is the chief information and digital officer of Lilly.

Rapid technological advances such as generative AI are placing an ever-greater emphasis on the role of corporate tech leaders. But Diogo Rau, chief information and digital officer and executive vice president of Eli Lilly and Company, who arrived at the company after working for a decade at Apple, believes tech leaders need to stop playing it safe and be bold.


That includes jettisoning the customer–supplier mindset and never losing sight of the most important piece of the technology puzzle: people. Rau sat down with McKinsey senior partners Dan Tinkoff and Jeffrey Lewis to discuss how he is changing the technology culture, why he brought the development of LillyDirect in-house, and how technology teams are working better with their peers in the business. What follows are edited highlights from their conversation.


Technology’s job: Invent and build things

The most important thing about tech: The people

Going their own way to build a new consumer business

Jumping into AI

Saying goodbye to ‘IT’

The make-or-break role of technology for the future of life sciences companies

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