VPP adoption is growing in the US, but not nearly fast enough

The installation of a Sunrun solar panel system on the roof of the home of HGTV's Property Brothers.

With peak demand growing, utility capital investments rising, and a growing number and severity of extreme weather events, the U.S. electrical grid needs all the help it can get. If the DOE has anything to say about it, a good portion of that help should come in the form of virtual power plants (VPPs).

A new report from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), Pathways to Commercial Liftoff: Virtual Power Plants 2025 Update, provides a fresh look at the DOE’s roadmap for the public and private sector to accelerate the commercialization of virtual power plant (VPP) technologies, given the constantly evolving landscape that is the U.S. energy market.

DOE published the original Pathways to Commercial Liftoff: Virtual Power Plants report in September 2023, since noting VPP adoption has grown, new VPP deployments have been launched, and new insights and analysis of VPP benefits have emerged. However, DOE maintains that VPP deployment needs to accelerate in the U.S. to reach a target of 80-160 GW of VPPs (10%-20% of peak load).

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