Why Minigrids are Thriving in Africa

Minigrids bring light, and so much more

Welight, an organization that develops minigrids in sub-Saharan Africa, recently announced a landmark achievement – the electrification of 186 remote villages in Madagascar and Mali.


The organization said in a statement announcing the milestone that it has directly connected approximately 10,000 people a month to a minigrid since the beginning of the year, bringing its total number of people connected to nearly 200,000.


Electrification, or the lack thereof, is a persistent issue across Africa, particularly in the sub-Saharan region that is home to most of the nearly 600 million people on the continent who lack access to affordable electricity.


Only 29% of Madagascar’s population and 39% of Mali’s have access to electricity. South Sudan, at 8%, holds the dubious distinction of being the least electrified country in the world.


In some African nations, such as the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), electricity access has been stunted by decades of conflict and political instability. In others, the cost of bringing grid power to the millions who live in remote communities is simply not economically feasible.

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