Creating and Deploying Digital Twins for the Process Industry

Is your digitalization strategy aligned with your business strategy? Many organizations see digital twins as part of their going digital process to improve performance in engineering, operations, and maintenance among other aspects of their business.

This white paper explains the minimum level of digital maturity needed, how digital twins can be built based on asset information, and how they must be maintained and kept consistent. It describes how the lifecycle of an industrial asset can be broken down into design and build, operate and maintain, and, if relevant, deconstruct and recycle and how an organization’s corporate culture can either enable or impede its digital transformation.

Para leer más ingrese a:*W7-RbRF8LslttW2mfdm987L5Mb0/*W2vWC4n5ydWLJW3CJbtN2dWl1P0/5/f18dQhb0S3kd7Bf-yvM1vjj-G3Qb8N1L6Cp68-33WN7J7nxwhjvVrW4058mx3qbp6MW7qnw4L8Vgm4fW8rgzWy66_R58W7MP8pG5_BpnZW8f2GFV7cRT1kW863dyX3p-4xDW96TzM68N93PBW55-P5M1KKw01W3dYlZj1BYz7sW4BkqKw5PRqDxW8mj7Gq4s4G4FW32jg6x2Jb1mhW1lbYq979hY7GW4RxkkW76_r9_N27HFgk9Q5BTMMLvS1lY1h_VnMH9g6mjLj_VGZlKm7WyltnW4sTnwy3Hn4_mW3GnrP96KG0wwW4FdYKC3FrkyzW7rkWW21Dm5X8W8mZYTq1P0mXzW9k8tsy7mNj0XN1lXy2vNKMVsW3ncB4Z8WMFLBW1DbyHb3BPnqpW5FTdM65TGnH_W33sfY969b6vSTw7pK80Z78pW7X7nFT4LGMmpW8ggzRz413Lx9W4D4cws3LZVR9W3FTVSJ6fkFr7W3Zcgkp6z0k4cW6TWMjS31phyVW5GJJRl76YL8kW45F-pV2BKTK_W8h51TC4lSHfzW1zkTcy3p9S8MW14z1Rp8NKD5FW1hb_N957xr_RW3BnQzv7XdKZ8W1z8wBH7Q1LrKW2-sgHR40YbN4W5dFwfH5NdrzzW8WMR7l8Xq2lSW6h87QD7zwnzGW2hPkkG31gBhrW7HHrm699kNyqf1Shlch02

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