Navigating Uncharted Waters: A roadmap to responsible innovation with AI in financial services

As previously explored by the Future of AI in Financial Services research at the World Economic Forum, artificial intelligence is fundamentally changing the physics of financial services. It will undoubtedly become a dominant force in the industry, opening the door to entirely new operating models and ushering in a new set of competitive dynamics.

However, seeking to capture the ‘AI advantage’ has brought financial institutions, regulators and policy-makers to uncharted waters, exposing the financial system to new hazards and posing uncertainties to AI adoption. Navigating these waters safely is critical to unlocking the promise of AI to build a better financial ecosystem for all.
This report explores the five key areas of concern raised over hundreds of research interviews with financial services leaders and regulators conducted over the past two years

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La tecnología se aplica de manera escalable y se encuentran políticas y regulaciones focales establecidas.

La tecnología se aplica a través de servicios  y se encuentran políticas y regulaciones transversales establecidas.

La tecnología se aplica de manera generalizada  y se tiene un despliegue masivo de esta.

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