New Year’s resolutions for tech in 2025

A watchword for 2025

Despite some notable moments, 2024 was a bit of a bumpy ride when it came to technology. Concerns about AI created a hive of regulatory activity. Big outages stranded fliers and shoppers alike. Investments in tech trends cooled amidst inflationary pressures, and high hopes for generative AI (gen AI) hit some turbulence due to frustrations over the technology’s complexities and the organizational challenges of using it.


While “uncertainty” is likely to remain a watchword for 2025, significant geopolitical and economic shifts as well as the relentless pace of technology (driven by “space-race” levels of investment in AI) suggest a year of significant changes. Some of our leaders have put together a collection of musings, observations, and considerations to help tech leaders (and leaders who are thoughtful about tech) think through important technology priorities.



Tech leadership: Questions to answer in 2025

Tech talent: Putting the ‘human’ back in ‘human-centered AI’

How we work: The gen AI agents are coming

Tech resiliency: Make the business—not just IT—resilient

Gen AI: Time for an honest assessment

Tech productivity: Less promise, more performance

Lessons from Asia: Rewire for AI

ERP transformation: Two decisions that can cut costs by 30 percent

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Los documentos se clasifican en varios colores tipo semáforo tecnológico que indican el nivel de implementación de la tecnología en el país

Tecnología en investigación que no ha sido estudiado o reglamentado por entidades del sector.

La tecnología se aplica de manera focal y se encuentra en estudio por parte de las entidades del sector.

La tecnología se aplica de manera escalable y se encuentran políticas y regulaciones focales establecidas.

La tecnología se aplica a través de servicios  y se encuentran políticas y regulaciones transversales establecidas.

La tecnología se aplica de manera generalizada  y se tiene un despliegue masivo de esta.

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