Remote Villages in Suriname Forest Get 24-Hour Power with New Microgrid

Remote Village Suriname Microgrid Photovoltaic POWERCHINA

Twelve remote villages in the Suriname forest now have access to uninterrupted power thanks to a new microgrid. The microgrid is the first to be handed over as part of the second phase of the Suriname Village Microgrid Photovoltaic Project.  

Suriname is a small and ethnically diverse country located on the Atlantic coast of South America, just north of Brazil. It is one of the top global producers of bauxite, a sedimentary rock that is the world’s primary source of aluminum.

While much of the country’s population has access to reliable electricity, thousands living in the country’s remote forest region, far from Suriname’s electric infrastructure, have power for just a few hours each day.

The Suriname Village Microgrid Photovoltaic Project aims to solve that problem by providing these villages with continuous power 24 hours a day.

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