Garantizar la confidencialidad, la integridad y la disponibilidad de la empresa digital moderna es un gran trabajo. Abarca muchos esfuerzos paralelos y relacionados, desde una sólida ingeniería de sistemas hasta una política de ciberseguridad eficaz y una formación completa de los trabajadores y un elemento esencial son las operaciones de ciberseguridad: supervisar, detectar, analizar, responder y recuperarse de todas las medidas de ciberataque. Este informe ofrece un breve resumen de las 11 estrategias de un centro de operaciones de ciberseguridad de clase mundial.
The operational focal point for incident detection, analysis, and response is the cybersecurity operations center (CSOC, or simply SOC). If you are part of, support, frequently work with, manage, or are trying to stand up a SOC, this book is for you. Its audience includes SOC managers, technical leads, engineers, and analysts. Portions of 11 Strategies can also be used as a reference by those who interface with SOCs on a routine basis to better understand and support security operations. Students and individuals transitioning into cybersecurity operations from other fields may also find it useful.
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