El proyecto de tres años, que comenzó en octubre de 2017, financió un programa piloto innovador para desarrollar y evaluar una plataforma tecnológica y un marco para administrar altos niveles de recursos energéticos distribuidos (DER) y mejorar la interconexión futura de DER.
Keystone Solar Future Project (KSFP) aimed to bridge gaps between existing and future technology, including Distributed Energy Resource Management Systems (DERMS), by monitoring, managing, and optimizing a system with high penetration of solar and other DER. Specifically, the project worked to make Distribution Management Systems (DMS) applications, devices, and real-time communications technology DER-aware to allow for advanced applications for utility operations. By installing and implementing a DERMS, project designers transformed how DERs interact with PPL’s distribution system, offering learnings and results worth sharing industry-wide.
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