IR.25 es la especificación de pruebas de capacidad funcional de extremo a extremo para voz y servicio de mensajes cortos sobre LTE en relación con la itinerancia internacional de una estación móvil.
This document is the specification of the IREG end-to-end functional capability tests for VoLTE Roaming using “S8HR (S8 Home Routed)”as defined in GSMA PRD IR.88 [5], IR.65 [6] and Short Message Service (SMS) over LTE relating to the international roaming of a User Equipment (UE), belonging to a home Public Mobile Network (HPMN) (a), to and within a visited PMN (VPMN) (b). Whilst it is expected that roaming will be a bilateral activity between two PMNs, please note that this document is written in a unidirectional context. Hence roaming is taking place by a UE (a) to VPMN (b) only.
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