El informe encuentra que 46 estados y el Distrito de Columbia tomaron algún tipo de acción de política solar distribuida durante 2020 (ver la figura a continuación), con la mayor cantidad de acciones relacionadas con políticas de medición neta, políticas solares comunitarias y aumentos de carga fija residencial. Los estados que toman la mayor cantidad de acciones incluyen Virginia, California, Nueva York, Maine y Carolina del Sur.
The quarterly series provides insights on state regulatory and legislative discussions and actions on distributed solar policy, with a focus on net metering, distributed solar valuation, community solar, residential fixed charges, residential demand and solar charges, third-party ownership, and utility-led rooftop solar programs.
The report finds that 46 states and the District of Columbia took some type of distributed solar policy action during 2020 (see figure below), with the greatest number of actions relating to net metering policies, community solar policies, and residential fixed charge increases. The states taking the greatest number of actions include Virginia, California, New York, Maine, and South Carolina.
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